young singers to the limelight. Telugu people felt, there will be no problem for singers for the next decade.
But that happiness is short lived. Young singers who got opportunities in those music programmes started getting film offers. Just after singing in four or five films, these singers have started participating in foreign stage shows. Earlier there were just TANA and ATA which were conducting these shows. Earlier number of these type of shows was also limited. But now, many Telugu associations have sprung up. Many shows are being conducted worldwide. Huge money is being shelled out on these type of programmes. As a result, these young singers are given huge remunerations. As the shows have increased, opportunities are increasing in leaps and bounds for singers. Some times programme organisers are badly in need of singers. Even young singers with very few songs to their credit are roped in for these shows and paid huge money. As a result youngsters are concentrating more on these type of extra earning opportunities rather than on their film singing career.
Young singers like Srikrishna, Geeta Madhuri, Hema Chandra, Malavika, Revanth, Shravana Bhargavi among others, who have proved as good singers are spending more time in countries like America than in India. They are busy participating in these shows rather than pursuing their singing career. It has become difficult to spot these singers in Hyderabad. Therefore music directors here are facing problems.
There is no wrong in earning money. In fact its important to earn money. That does not mean that money is sole priority. It’s a god given gift to become singer, that too film singer. Singers will get both money and fame in this profession. But these young singers should think, how fair is it to exploit this fame, after just singing in four five films and concentrate just on shows for earning money. It would be better if these young singers focus on film singing rather than on stage shows.
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