Manjima Mohan has been a victim of Twitter trolls. Ever since the release of her Malayalam flick 'Oru Vadakkan Selfie', Netizens began trolling her and even asked her to quit acting. Pointing out a sentimental sequence from the movie, Critics commented Majima could hardly emote in the scene and her acting actually made them laugh.
The Young Actress claims to have performed the scene as per the inputs given by her Director and the whole film released with his approval. Manjima feels this is the price one has to pay for being active on social media. In the end, She promises to be very careful while doing emotional scenes from now.
Manjima Mohan will make her Telugu debut opposite Naga Chaitanya in Gautham Menon's 'Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo'. Looks wise, She isn't a heroine material and now even her acting prowess is being criticized. What would be the end result of her Telugu debut?
The Young Actress claims to have performed the scene as per the inputs given by her Director and the whole film released with his approval. Manjima feels this is the price one has to pay for being active on social media. In the end, She promises to be very careful while doing emotional scenes from now.
Manjima Mohan will make her Telugu debut opposite Naga Chaitanya in Gautham Menon's 'Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo'. Looks wise, She isn't a heroine material and now even her acting prowess is being criticized. What would be the end result of her Telugu debut?
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