Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa has been undergoing treatment at Apollo Hospital since September 22nd. In-charge Governor Vidyasagar Rao and Apollo Hospital Doctors has recently assured Amma has been recovering well.
On Monday, Finance Minister O Panneerselvam rushed to Apollo Hospital along with two other Ministers. Paneerselvam discussed some key matters with Jaya's close pal Sasikala. Why did Pannerselvam came to the hospital in a hurry?
Apparently, Jayalalithaa preferred O Pannerselvam as Chief Minister on both occasions she was jailed in connection with disproportionate assets case. Even during her current hospitalization, He is looking after the Administration in the state.
Except Sasikala, None were allowed into the ward where Jayalalithaa is being treated. There is curiosity among fans over the health status of the Iron Lady.
On Monday, Finance Minister O Panneerselvam rushed to Apollo Hospital along with two other Ministers. Paneerselvam discussed some key matters with Jaya's close pal Sasikala. Why did Pannerselvam came to the hospital in a hurry?
Apparently, Jayalalithaa preferred O Pannerselvam as Chief Minister on both occasions she was jailed in connection with disproportionate assets case. Even during her current hospitalization, He is looking after the Administration in the state.
Except Sasikala, None were allowed into the ward where Jayalalithaa is being treated. There is curiosity among fans over the health status of the Iron Lady.
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