Friday, 14 October 2016

Crime rate in Hyderabad is raising day by day, in spite of the government's efforts to reduce it. Culprits are using several ways to do crimes. Long time back, a gang of culprits used snakes to create fear and raped women. Telangana government used Police force to capture the culprits in this case.

Apart from this the government raised security in the IT corridor as majority of the crimes were happening in this region during the night time. Culprits are finding new ways of doing crime and the latest LB Nagar old age home issue is an example for it.

Subbaiah, Srinivas and Ganesh are running an old age home in LB Nagar and this turned into a prostitution house. Outside they mentioned old age home and inside something else is happening. Colony people complained to the Police as they were seeing young ladies all the time in old age home. Recently, a minor girl was raped in this old age home and this triggered Police officials to take charge. Subbaiah, Srinivas and Ganesh were taken into custody and the investigation is on progress to know further details.
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1 comment:

  1. This is really a dangerous and shocking blog. But you can check and see the best and safe or well facilitate Old Age Home in Pune.


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